Decidedly, the Zoeva brand is very dynamic and we regularly offers attractive new .. I told you in March their new palette Golden Rose (my review here) and among all pallets of brand I've tested, Unfortunately it was one that had me the most disappointed. Meanwhile, I tested the brushes from the same collection last month and against them by, I can not do without me. Besides being gorgeous, they are soft and hyper serve me daily. I had the opportunity to discover the latest new Zoeva is even a palette ..! This time it is the Cocoa Blend!
![Zoeva zoo8](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-zoo8.jpg)
I received this palette in a box wrapped like a nice chocolate bar and the brand has even slipped a candy gluttony .. who disappeared at lightning speed. Milk chocolate = yummy!
![Zoeva cocoa milk blend](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-cocoa-blend-milk.jpg)
The packaging of this range is lovely as it is, as always, a decorated cardboard box. This time, the brand has opted for a very graphic and gold motif that I find very beautiful:
![Zoeva cocoa blend](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-cocoa-blend.jpg)
![Zoeva pallet cocoa blenc 9](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-palette-cocoa-blenc-9.jpg)
Cocoa Blend range contains a selection of matte shadows and metallic and satin shadows: all in all, they are warm colors that achieve more autumnal makeup. Strange indeed that we Zoeva offers for this summer 2015 but say that it allows us to be sighted .. And realize
![Zoeva shadows blend cocoa](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-fards-cocoa-blend.jpg)
It left for an overview of the shadows:
Bitter Start is a cream-colored eyeshadow in matte finish, Sweeter End is a pinkish beige with golden highlights (he plays a little on transparency), Warm Notes is a beautiful cranberry Metallic and Subtle Blend is a gilded copper:
![Zoeva 62](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-62.jpg)
Then there are White Beans (almost black brown), Pure ganache (a crazy gold, this is one of the finest in my collection) Substitute for Love (brown with orange average sub-tones) and Freshly Toasted (an auburn brown)
![YTR Zoeva](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-YTR.jpg)
![Zoeva swatch82](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-swatch82.jpg)
Unlike palette Rose Golden, I find that the selection of cosmetics is really superb and very well balanced: between matte finishes and those that are much brighter, but also thanks to this balance between bright colors and dark colors can be make beautiful makeup only thanks to her! Pigmentation blush blew me away: some are so beautiful that I lose my words!
Here is the makeup that I made with it:
![Zoeva YEYE](http://lodoesmakeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/zoeva-YEYE.jpg)
In inner corner I filed Pure ganache and then I opted for Warm Notes (the eye's crazy!). In outer corner I worked Beans Are White and I used a touch of Substitute for Love in the hollow to provide a bit more definition. In ras-lower lash I opted for Sweeter end! Of course, needless to say that I traced my usual eyeliner and respect that I added a touch of color pencil flesh mucosa, without forgetting the mascara!
For my part, I conquered, and I think this is now my favorite palette in Zoeva!
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