vendredi 28 août 2015

Iris Iris Blue & White Collection Grasse signed Occitane

iris lOccitane products
There are times when I wear constantly the same perfumes and during which I do not make specific findings. Morality, I can offer you many articles that absolutely not talk about fragrances and suddenly, bam, I have too much to present ... Both say that I am in this situation today. I'm a bit torn: either I leave aside these developments and I spread my articles over several weeks (in 4 months, yet there will be and there will be others that will be added to the pile of news that I ' would want to talk to you .. so it's endless!) or I try to focus my articles "perfumes" in a short time .. Even if what you want to throw me in the face vials if to say "you're very cute with your obsession for perfumes but is beginning to saturate." In short, the dilemma. I know you are well educated and you probably will not use such a violent gesture, but count on me to try to find a balance even though it may not be that obvious. Addicts lipsticks, eyeshadows, care also have the right to items they can "enjoy" (oh what poetry tonight), do not worry! And then I have to stop stressing because if I tell myself that in three weeks I will already get on the plane to New York, I will graze the anxiety attack: knowing that I post an article every day (or so) when I do not have one at present, I have the impression of having been ill student, myself badly organized and I hate it. So is that I will succeed in preparing articles for my 10 days in New York knowing that I have to take care of my new apartment, my part of my job before the holidays ..? That's a good question. Nothing is impossible? We will see !
lOccitane bleu1 iris
In short. Already a huge section for you to talk about everything (but most apparently nothing) while today I came to you about the new range Iris Blue and White Iris L'Occitane. Well here we go!
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I do not know you but I personally think it's crazy the amount of new references that Occitane comes to offer us only a few months: after the end Peony Sublime which I mentioned here, already found a new range in the collection of Grasse (composed of iconic fragrances, I've already talked about here in particular) but also a new summer fragrance: Citrus Verbena! Where a mark out too regularly about news, product quality can sometimes be quite disappointing but as you say it is not at all the case with L'Occitane!
Everything is matter of taste, especially in fragrance but the range Citrus Verbena moderately convinced me: it does not smell bad, far from it, but the citrus notes are a bit too present for me. However, this range Iris Blue and White Iris combines the velvety notes of the blue flower with more volatile and fresh notes of the white version and I find that this range is definitely worth a visit. It may be for the amateur rather perfumes or at least, to those who enjoy the flowery perfumes because we obviously found a rich iris heart!
Zoom lOccitane perfume
Let's start with the eau de toilette Iris Iris Blue & White (56 € 75ml) is the new exceptional fragrance The Grasse Collection, which honors the fragrance-how of the Provencal city by marrying valuable raw materials to here and elsewhere. Grasse is also the meeting point of these choice ingredients and larger nose!
The range thus combines white iris came from Mediterranean (Florentina) with blue iris (pallida) Grasse. I find it quite rare to find this flower highlighted in the world of perfume: it is often rather "secondary", it is often a note mixed with other raw materials.
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I find that the bottle is superb thanks to the presence of these iris reflections affixed to the back of the bottle with hot gold. This detail can reflect light and it really gives him the look. This 75ml spray contains two layers of glass, so it's a quality bottle, which worked and in fact yet not too. It is a beautiful object that contains a juice that can certainly be worn in summer. I do not really else to give him seasonality unlike other perfumes because it is an ultimately feminine scent and very sweet.
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We find top note of very fresh notes of cassis and citrus that leave very quickly replaced by Iris pallida notes, Grasse iris, ylang-ylang and white peach. This fragrance has base notes richest but definitely not heady: cedar, white musk. So it is rather a mixture of fresh notes, flowers, combined with a more feminine background "dry", especially because of the cedar.
I learned that Iris pallida was a very valuable ingredient in perfume and L'Occitane are also dedicated an explanatory article right here. I learned that it is in the roots of this flower that is found the fragrant ingredient used in perfumery! It is rare because of course, is most often the flower and its petals are used. Rhizomes will secrete the odorous principle of this flower and once dried, they are ground into powder and then be distilled into gasoline. It is a luxurious ingredient that particular found in the perfume Chanel No. 19! This pale purple iris is a gem and Italy do not produce enough, Grasse has recently developed the art of its production and extraction!
If this perfume Please, you can of course initiate showering pleasure with the fragrant shower gel in the same range (€ 14.50 the 250ml):
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Thus, the scent will last longer and will embalm your bathroom  The bottle of the shower gels Grasse collection are very convenient because they are flexible and transparent plastic: it can "follow" the use of this product without ever having to wonder where one is and if we remains. Its texture gelled foam well and I have absolutely no skin irritation. This shower gel is very nice, however I can not find if the perfume holds extremely well when used alone: ​​the fragrance is quickly forgotten on the skin. This is not a necessary but a nice product to combine with the scent!
white iris cream
As you know, I love the hand creams and I have always in my purse but on my night table, on my desk, in short, I can not live without it. L'Occitane has released one from this collection, to my delight apparently because its scent is fresher and sweeter than the toilet water: it is ideal to take care of her hands during the day while enjoying this beautiful fragrance . This cream is melting almost Legree has a texture that spreads rapidly and penetrates almost instantly: it is perfectly moisturizing and ideal for summer because it contains 2% of shea butter (its lower concentration gives it that texture more light; unlike winter hands cream concentrated to 20% for example). Its big plus point: you can massage this cream as much as you want, it does not peluchera! Halelujiah! This is my favorite of the collection and know that the other two fragrances are available: Jasmine / bergamot but neroli / orchid, I love just as much!
To conclude this article a thousand times too long, it is an original fragrance and almost unprecedented for me, there is nothing like the perfumes that I has. It's new, intriguing and yet it works! I advise you, if you have the opportunity to spend at a store L'Occitane, to go explore the range Iris Iris Blue & White! Take the opportunity also to test these three new hand creams that are absolutely magical

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